We really enjoy doing shows and meeting our customers. We always have such a good time talking to people about our buckles. It is so rewarding to get the instant feedback, and it has always been so positive! Each show is different and has it's own creative challenges. We are always looking for new ideas to display our buckles and make our booth more inviting.
This was from our most recent show at the Hyer Elementary Happy Hollydays Bazaar. There is our favorite cowhide again. We have decided that she is a girl and we need a name for her.
I saw this cool old birdcage while shopping the other day. This would be a great way to show our buckles vertically, and get people into our booth.
Here is another idea. An old door with painted pegboard attached to it. I wonder if our buckles could just hang in the holes? Sounds like we may need to make a trip to Home Depot!